The Future of Business

    The future of business is reshaping in front of our eyes and it is clear that we now have more information than we know how to properly comprehend. Nathan Kinch is a bright young man who knew how to say it best in his latest article on LinkedIn.”I believe that we now reside in the era of context.” He proclaimed. He then goes further to explain the importance of understanding the use of context pertaining to immense sets of data looming overhead many entrepreneurs. The data  collected from social media sites, the history of transactions at places of business, or even the weather patterns in your area are data gold mines that can be harvested and assessed with a platform like Pushgraph to provide a visual analysis of your past and future business patterns. Knowledge of what lies ahead in business is a huge advantage over those who just guess what may affect consumers tomorrow. Data is useless without context powered knowledge to analyze it. Imagine using a platform that provides context for different domains that also shows visuals for a useful analysis of your data. Say for example you are the owner of a bank and you are stumped as to why last Tuesday you only saw 100 customers instead of the usual 300 every other day of the week. Maybe the construction down the road is to blame or the local parade that was outside that day. Maybe the extreme fluctuation is due to the new employee who is making mistakes with regular customers and is only working on Tuesdays. Now the technology exists to let you plug-in those data points to provide enlightenment into your business future. Variables and factors that fit your situation combined with the data that resides within them will let you see your future gains or losses. Now there doesn’t have to be such a thing as randomly horrible days of revenue. You could be a leader in your industry with capabilities far beyond that of your competition utilizing Pushgaph. Customize a strategy for the success of your future business. Only the most tech savvy entrepreneurs are proactive enough to use these Big Data analytics tools to open the doorway into the next realm of business. Don’t be left behind. (2014 LinkedIn: Welcome to the Next Era of Context)

Global Collaboration for Brain Disease

Unfortunately, most of us have seen loved ones who have suffered the effects of a brain abnormalities such as Alzheimer’s or Dementia. According to the W.H.O. (World Health Organization) we spend $400 billion per year on mental health patients, half of which goes solely to those plagued by Alzheimer’s. In other countries such as China, as many as 975,000 citizens die each year from brain trauma, and despite health insurance coverage these patients cannot escape the costs of healthcare. All signs point to global cooperation to dramatically downsize the devastating effects of brain disease worldwide.
Leaders from around the world are currently working toward a solution. President Obama added $100 million to FY14 and doubled that amount for the following years budget as part of the BRAIN initiative. This is great news for the NIH, DARPA, and NSF who now have new funding for increased scientific brain research. The new Prime Minister of Australia also added to Australia’s federal budget for dementia patients to the amount of $200 million. Budgets are expanding for an important reason, seeing as understanding human brain function is one of the greatest challenges we face in science today.
Partnering organizations such as SBMT (Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics) and the E.U. Human Brain Project provide great strides into translational science and now Australia will be hosting the 2014 Group of 20 developing nations. SBMT is the world’s leader in studies of translational neuroscience. As stated by Dr. Sean Hill, (Co-Director of Informatics Research at E.U. Human Brain Mapping Project) “Global collaboration is key to advancing neuroscience and understanding genes to cognition.”  (
So what does this mean for our future? Well if we can globally harmonize our policies pertaining to neurological disorders and increase the commercialization of effective therapeutics across the globe then we might begin to see big changes in brain wellness as a whole. Mapping changes in the progression of brain diseases would also be a useful way of turning Big Data into assessable future predictions and possible cures when tracking symptoms and digression in patients with these major disorders. Results from predictive analytics could be one key factor in determining future cures for our planet. Tools such as “the Cloud” that can store excessive amounts of data are already being used by some medical facilities right now. These high-tech tools will begin to make great changes in the way we are able to turn stored data into predictions. What an amazing way to change the world of medicine and disease. (2014

An Exciting Technology Era

In order to stay on top of todays current technology advancements, we like to pay close attention to the most exciting ideas that come from companies such as Microsoft. For this article we will look into what the new Vice President of Microsoft’s research department is working on.
At the Blue Sky Research facility, Peter Lee is aiming to add a real-time translation capability to Skype. This next big step in the science of translation could make a substantial difference in the world of  business for consumers worldwide. By constructing a translation application for the current version of Skype, users will be able to talk to foreign business associates or anyone around the globe in the consumer’s language of choice. This would begin to change the way we communicate and increase work productivity around the globe.
The current programs made by Microsoft like Bing voice search services, are just the beginnings of very useful applications of voice recognition computing. By the end of this year, the new version of Skype is due to be ready for launch. The use of such an exciting new tool will eventually help us break down the barriers of language that we face worldwide.  Quantum computing and machine learning are also being further researched at the Blue Sky facility as well.
These seemingly small tweaks in Microsoft’s product technology could be profound advances in our generation of scientific computing. The scientific discoveries behind those ideas are what make our economy and its complex system thrive. The analysis of big data also plays a role in these new strides toward translational computing. Any company who has use of such products could be at the head of the industry today. Looking into past trends and events in the world of scientific technology can show what amazing things lie in our future.(2014 Digital Summit;