Map-Based Visualizations

Map-Based Visualizations

When I say the word “data” what do you think of? Probably pages and pages of single-spaced Times New Roman with math symbols and 0.5-inch margins. I’m getting sleepy just thinking about that version of data. The good news is; Data visualization does not have to be boring or hard to read and interpret. Enter: map-based visualizations

Presenting data visually not only helps people understand what you’re showing them (and aids in remembering it), it helps to engage your audience and prove your point. Map-based visualizations are a great way to do that. To prove our point, here’s a list of 7 awesome map-based visualizations.

Map-Based Visualizations Show Data (They Don’t Just Tell It)

Map-based visualizations are a great way to show incredible amounts of data. These data visualizations have become increasingly popular with infographics and maps because these tools help readers to quickly spot trends and make decisions based on the data that would be difficult to see without this presentation.

There’s almost no limit to the number of ways visualizations can be used to organize data and show trends, from communication, transportation, demographics, technology use, utilities… we’ve even seen collections of favorite television shows by location.

If you know of any cool map-based visualizations or infographics, drop the link in the comments so we can check them out.

Photo by William Iven on Unsplash

What is Data Visualization and Why is it Necessary?

Data visualization is a catchphrase these days, but all it really means is attempting to make data pretty to look at. More than looks, though, visual data lets us see and understand trends and information much more quickly and easily.

There are a lot of options for data visualization. In fact, you’ve probably seen a lot of these in the form of infographics and map-based visualizations. Data visualization for big data can include charts, maps, graphs, and whatever other forms allow for data digestion.

Data visualization is essential to understanding trends, predicting events, recognizing patterns, and analyzing large amounts of data. Instead of pouring over hundreds of pages of text-based data and trying to make sense of it all, visual data allows us to immediately view and comprehend millions of data points.

We know how important it is to be able to visually interpret data. That’s why our platform, Pushgraph, allows users to choose the data visualizations that you need to understand all of the data points you’re reviewing. You can learn more about our visual analytics on our website: